Pania Preston Pania Preston

When I Grow Up

When I grow up, I wanna be-

I wanted to be a sausage roll.

Can you blame me? AC/DC's It’s a Long Way to the Top got stuck in my head as “It’s a long way to the top if you want a sausage roll.”

Shannon Noll? In my four-year-old mind, he quickly became “Sausage Roll.” I’ll chalk that up to my preoccupation with Aussie slang and maybe a touch of undiagnosed dyslexia.

Nobody warns you that by the time you graduate to the advanced tier of the after-school swimming program, the endless supply of sausage rolls and frogs in a cup will be gone. Horrific, right? Fortunately, you can always count on mini pies and sausage rolls to hold their spot as the party scene’s power couple—the ultimate life of the gathering.

When I grow up, I want to embody that reliable comfort. I want to be the stable reminder that, after a tough day (or swim), everything will be okay.

So maybe I wasn’t so far off after all.

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Pania Preston Pania Preston

Surf to Skyline

Big Changes

Every beach kid dreams of becoming a nipper.

The values of a nipper were simple, but mastery was a lifelong journey:

  • Find a crew that’s willing to save you when you’re knocked out in the water.

  • Find joy in what you do, even when the weather isn’t perfect.

  • Respect the environment you enter.

  • Tackle the hard things to truly appreciate the easy ones.

With that mantra in mind, my mornings followed a familiar rhythm: 5 a.m. wake-up, training until 7:30 a.m., then a bacon-and-egg roll on the go and a short walk to school. Repeat.

Until one day, it all came to an end. The University of Melbourne was the only place offering early admissions into VET studies for Year 11 and 12 students. My last bacon-and-egg roll, my last walk to school, and even my last day living in my hometown on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

Moving to Melbourne came with some challenges, especially for value one—since the bay doesn’t exactly have waves. But finding a crew and support system? That seemed like a good place to start.

Rainy training days back home meant the sand would firm up, making it easier to run. In Melbourne, the concrete makes running easier all the time. You thought I’d say something bad about Melbourne’s weather, didn’t you? Well, that wouldn’t align with value three, now would it?

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Pania Preston Pania Preston

Shits Everywhere

The Wonderful World of Poop Chutes

Everyone dreams of those charming little farm getaways you find on Airbnb. That’s why I feel completely justified wearing the silk pants in this picture.

Let me assure you—goats and cows don’t share that level of concern.

Day one in Shepparton? Let’s just say... there was shit everywhere

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Pania Preston Pania Preston

Another Chapter Closed

What’s on the other side?

Closing all the tabs felt pretty good. But when I submitted my last assignment, an overwhelming wave of emotion hit me. Tears turned into laughter, and memories of the COVID era gave way to obsessive reminiscing—then back to laughter, as I recalled all the silly things we did during those times. That emotional loop lasted all afternoon.

When the storm of feelings finally subsided, I was left wondering: What’s next?

I love art. I love beautiful things and the emotions they evoke. That’s why I chose this image—to encapsulate an entire chapter of my life. The heartbreak, exhaustion, laughter, and friendships are all captured in a single frame.

So, even if you’re not lucky enough to experience James Turrell’s Setup at MONA in person, you can still lose yourself in this image—right here, for free.

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